Monday 5 September 2011


Dear readers,

So it begins. My foray into the blogosphere and my attempt to be noticed. For the most part, this blog is meant to be self-fulfilling and I think, for the most part, Sherlock and Ryan will be a nice little procrastination station. Saying that, I am not a fan of bullshit and I would be fibbing if I said that no part of me wants to become Rich and Famous as a result of my Writing. 

What will I write about? I don't know exactly but I can tell you that it will be about Stuff I Like. See below for the list on what that includes:

Ryan Gosling
Ryan Reynolds
Sherlock Holmes
Stephen Fry
The Bachelor/Bachelorette franchise (for pure schadenfreude purposes)
The Mentalist
Modern Family
Books. Lots and lots of Books
Emma Stone
Friends (both the TV show and actual-real-life people. Who I mostly talk to on facebook)
Awards Ceremonies
Roger Ebert
Game of Thrones
Million Dollar Decorators
Joan Rivers

Some of it is trashy, some of it isn't. If you dislike something that I blog about then you have two options:
1) Don't read it
2) Read it and post badly spelt, nonsensical comments. Then we can make fun of you with lots of witty reply comments and the page views for that post will go up. Everybody wins

The first 'official' blog entry will be a recap of the new season of QI. If you don't know what that is, google that shit, watch some clips on youtube and come back to me. I promise, it'll be the start of a happy obsession with Stephen Fry.

All my love,


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